jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

Other News

No More Updates

With apologies, I don’t think I’ll be pushing any new updates of this theme to the garden. I have been working on other themes and projects that, in my opinion, have a lot more to offer than this one does.

Other News was the first theme I submitted to the Theme Garden and is irreplaceable to me as a stepping stone towards learning about web design. Thanks in large part to Tumblr’s simple template engine, this theme jump started web design and development as a hugely enjoyable hobby of mine, and I will forever be grateful for that.

All that being said… this theme stinks and I don’t want to mess with it anymore.

staff: Introducing: Photosets If a picture is worth a thousand...


Introducing: Photosets

If a picture is worth a thousand words, photosets are the future of books.  Enjoy!

New theme tags are available in the Theme Docs for customization.

See previous.

Theme Update and Photosets

I noticed that the theme file in the Theme Garden didn’t reflect the lattest updates to the theme. I fixed that.

Also, I just updated the theme with the new Photoset post types. The Theme Garden file should reflect it in a few days, but until then, if you can’t wait, add this code between your{block:Posts}{/block:Posts} tags:

{block:Photoset}  	<div class="photo"><p>{Photoset-500}</p></div>   	{block:Caption}<div class="caption">{Caption}</div>{/block:Caption}   {/block:Photoset}

This is the exact code I just added to the theme.

Update soon, I promise.

I didn’t even know this theme was listed in the Theme Garden. I’ll fix some of the things that bug me about it and get an updated theme file to the Garden soon.

Feature Update #1

  • Added click-through links to Photo Posts.

Welcome to Other News.

Other News was designed by Manasto Jones. Here are some of its features:

  • Notes
  • Post Tags
  • Custom Colors
  • Display for the people you are following.
  • Original poster credit for reblogs.
  • Post-by-post navigation.
  • Futura… if that’s a feature.

I’m going to let this theme speak for itself. See if you Like it:


This is a link to Google.

This is a link to Google.:

I'm obviously bored making these example posts.

Mardi Gras by Keith Loutit

Mardi Gras by Keith Loutit

manasto: 1901 (Manasto Remix) by Phoenix I just remixed the...


1901 (Manasto Remix) by Phoenix

I just remixed the fu** out of Phoenix's new single. I tested it on six sets of speakers, so it should sound pretty good, might need a little more base though. Enjoy.

Download: MP3/AIF

30 Rock: Rosemary's Baby

Jack: So what are you gonna do with your money? Put it into a 401(k)?
Liz: Yeah, I gotta get one of those.
Jack: What?! Where do you invest your money, Lemon?
Liz: I've got like twelve grand in checking.
Jack: Are you an immigrant?

This is a text post.

Aenean vitae est et tellus convallis condimentum. Cras euismod ligula vitae massa. Donec neque tortor, convallis ut, posuere et, dignissim in, ipsum. 

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Phasellus posuere vehicula enim.
  • Praesent laoreet arcu ut massa dapibus elementum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam consectetur, eros vel condimentum mollis, nunc neque sagittis nisi, vitae semper risus dui euismod mi.

  1. Sed eu nisl vel erat lacinia mollis.
  2. In in tellus vitae erat volutpat interdum.
  3. Sed varius sem et nulla.

Sed elementum, mi quis rhoncus dapibus, odio lorem laoreet lorem, quis gravida urna ante sed augue.

Curabitur congue egestas turpis. Ut imperdiet neque eget metus. Aliquam fringilla porttitor orci. Fusce porttitor lectus eu turpis. Sed nec nulla. Nullam aliquet elit in ipsum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam consectetur, eros vel condimentum mollis, nunc neque sagittis nisi, vitae semper risus dui euismod mi.

"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one..."

"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?"

- Mark Twain

You woke up Bert.

You woke up Bert.

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