Yes because of course I as a white person have personally enslaved hundreds of PoC. If your great-grandfather was a serial killer is it right to treat you like a serial killer as well?
Oh poor white boy. You idiots use this argument all the time, but you just don't understand.
Get your head out of your ass. There's a huge difference. Whiteness is inherently racist.
"Literally nobody is harmed when we let whiteys know that they've fucked everything up. " —I am honestly curious as to how us 'whiteys' have fucked everything up. Do you think whites are inferior? Why?
Who enslaved the PoC? Whites.
Who raped the PoC? Whites.
Who else is there that isn't PoC? Whites.
Would woman-on-man rape and black-on-white racism be possible if women/PoCs had the 'power', as you say?
Yes, but they never will have power. White cishet men rule the world, unfortunately. It is out quest to bring them down to equality.
Your page subtitle says you're an 'angry feminist'. Why are you angry? Why should we care?
Because men are the scum under my boot. They should be yours too.
You are so full of shit. You say that you don't hang out with white males because they are "statistically most likely to rape"? That's absolutely ridiculous. It's like saying that you don't like hanging out with Muslim people because they're most likely to be terrorists. You're making stupid generalizations against an entire population based off of the actions of the few. Stop associating yourself with feminism. You're a simple bigot, nothing more.
Don't you DARE compare rape to terrorism. Rape is INFINITELY worse than the mass murder that has arisen from terror attacks.
no-vegans-on-4chan: little-missandry: flurrycolton: heroinfrid...
Clear discrimination against men. Rather nice to see that this is on someone's news, especially how men are viewed in society as all being potential pedophiles and rapists.
They'd never have suspected my rapist. Women don't rape kids, you know. That bruising, those internal injuries? Just 'an accident'.
Too many victims of rape are being swept under the rug because society doesn't view certain types of rapists as rapists, i.e. women.
Really well done report, good mix of statistics and basic reasoning. Would have been interesting to see what the % of female perpetrators is (I don't know that figure for Australia) put in too but raising the issue in the first place is always good to see
I'm glad there is a report on this.
This needs to be boosted. This shit is seriously offensive.
Ha! What a fucking joke.
This guy has no case whatsoever. The policy was in place. He agreed to buy a ticket, fulfilling a contract, so he can't complain when it comes to him being told to follow the rules he legally agreed to.
It's not "discrimination". These policies are in place for a reason. So don't you dare claim it to be "sexism". Men can't experience sexism. There exists a patriarchy. Fat old men like him are the ones in control. You can't sit next to kids on an airplane? Cry me a fucking river. Come whine to me about discrimination when you've faced years of rape, genocide, and being treated like a sex object.
Males are the only ones capable of committing rape and the overwhelming majority of pedos are men. It just makes sense to be more safe than sorry.
Fuck this guy. If he wasn't a pedophile, then why was he so adamant about sitting next to children?
People like this make me sick.
He was mad because he was made to look as if he was a pedophile, when he was not. The people around him, no doubt, thought he was being moved because he was a threat to the children.
Imagine not being able to sit near black people, because "white people are more likely to be racist", when you have no problem with black people. Imagine the scornful looks on people's faces as you were moved. Hear them whispering "disgusting racist", or "KKK member". There is no doubt in my mind that you would be very embarrassed. One tends to get angry when you are publicly shamed for no reason. No one deserves to be judged and shamed simply because they were born as a different half of the human race.
Explain to me why this man deserved to be shamed for no reason.
I am PoC. White people be nasty.
And yes, men deserve public shaming for trying to sit with kids. Again, I'll repeat: If he wasn't a pedophile, then why was he so adamant about sitting next to children?
If you're not white, and you dislike white people simply because they are white, that is racism. Stop trying to change the definition of every word you use.
Racism is defined. You must be in power to be racist. It doesn't work the other way around. Literally nobody is harmed when we let whiteys know that they've fucked everything up.
So basically if someone is white or male you hate them, even if they'd want to do something like get to know you and be friends because they think you're a cool person. Do you even have male or white friends? Because I really doubt it.
No. I don't. I make a point to avoid white males whenever possible. Statistically, they are the most likely to rape. Statistically, they are the only ones capable of being racist and sexist at the same time. They are animals best avoided.
I am laughing my ass off. Just because you are a person of color doesn't mean you can't be racist you moron. I have met some really racist black people. You are not ~magically~ not racist because you think so. Fucking idiot.
Too bad you were fed the whitewashed version of racism.
The truth is, white people run your schools. Their filthy cracker hands touched your textbooks. Hell, they fucking wrote your textbooks.
Don't believe whitey. He's a ghostey.
Believe the true history. Only PoC know that one.
"History is written by the victors"
You are the most racist and sexist person ever (women and PoC can he racist and sexist)
Absolutely not.
Racism = prejudice + power.
Sexism = prejudice + power.
Only white males can be sexist and racist.
You're extremely sexist.
Sorry to burst your bubble.
Ladies can't be sexist.
Sexism = prejudice + power.
Women don't have any power. Men do.
Only men can be sexist.
Could you list some things that are worse than murder, but better than rape?
Metal music.
You advocate for feminism and are obviously against sexism but I just find it so ironic that you're such a racist. I'm not white and I'm a female and I'm totally for feminism but don't you think you're taking it a bit too far? People are trying to show their own opinions but you're taking them and twisting their words into something cruel. Also, you should consider that there ARE amazing men out there who respect women fully.
I'm not racist. I'm a PoC. I can't be racist.
Which is worse: rape, or genocide?
Rape. Always rape.
your rhetoric is #3edgy4me. Are you just angry because no men will touch you?
Clearly. I've mentioned several times before I'm a lesbian.
I'm sorry that I don't know much but could you explain what PoC is?
PoC = person of color.
flurrycolton: heroinfriday: skeletom: oratorasaurus: underthe...
Clear discrimination against men. Rather nice to see that this is on someone's news, especially how men are viewed in society as all being potential pedophiles and rapists.
They'd never have suspected my rapist. Women don't rape kids, you know. That bruising, those internal injuries? Just 'an accident'.
Too many victims of rape are being swept under the rug because society doesn't view certain types of rapists as rapists, i.e. women.
Really well done report, good mix of statistics and basic reasoning. Would have been interesting to see what the % of female perpetrators is (I don't know that figure for Australia) put in too but raising the issue in the first place is always good to see
I'm glad there is a report on this.
This needs to be boosted. This shit is seriously offensive.
Ha! What a fucking joke.
This guy has no case whatsoever. The policy was in place. He agreed to buy a ticket, fulfilling a contract, so he can't complain when it comes to him being told to follow the rules he legally agreed to.
It's not "discrimination". These policies are in place for a reason. So don't you dare claim it to be "sexism". Men can't experience sexism. There exists a patriarchy. Fat old men like him are the ones in control. You can't sit next to kids on an airplane? Cry me a fucking river. Come whine to me about discrimination when you've faced years of rape, genocide, and being treated like a sex object.
Males are the only ones capable of committing rape and the overwhelming majority of pedos are men. It just makes sense to be more safe than sorry.
Fuck this guy. If he wasn't a pedophile, then why was he so adamant about sitting next to children?
People like this make me sick.
if ALL men are destroyed, how are humans suppose to reproduce?
Farm sperm, then kill them. <3
Sexiest British actor?
White people be fucking ugly
yeah i hope u get raped too. I think if there is anyone in this world who deserves it, its your retarded ass.
no words needed.
This is why I need feminism.
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